Who are Illumin8 Productions?

Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy

1. Statement of Commitment:

Illumin8 Productions is fully committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of children and the protection of children from harm in the context of video production projects.  We acknowledge the responsibility to create a secure environment that fosters creativity while prioritising the safety of young participants.

2. Code of Conduct:

All individuals associated with Illumin8 Productions, including freelancers, contractors, and volunteers, are required to adhere to a comprehensive Code of Conduct.  This code outlines appropriate behaviour and expectations for interactions with children during video production activities, promoting a safe and respectful environment.


3.  Recruitment, Selection, Training, and Management:

Written procedures are in place for recruiting, selecting, training, and managing freelancers, contractors and volunteers.  This includes background checks, reference verification, and appropriate training on child safety policies and procedures.  All personnel involved in video production projects are equipped with the necessary skills to ensure a safe environment for children and young people.


4.  Policies and Procedures for Handling Disclosures:

Comprehensive policies and procedures are established for handling disclosures or suspicions of harm. Clear reporting guidelines are communicated to all involved parties, ensuring a prompt and appropriate response to any concerns related to the safety and well-being of children.

5. Plan for Managing Breaches:

In the event of breaches to the risk management strategy, Illumin8 Productions has a detailed plan in place to manage such incidents. This includes a transparent and accountable process for investigating, addressing, and mitigating breaches to prevent reoccurrence.

6. Risk Management Plans for High-Risk Activities:

Specific risk management plans are developed for high-risk activities and special events associated with video production projects. These plans address potential hazards and outline preventive measures to minimise risks to children and young people.


7. Policies and Procedures for Blue Card Compliance:

Illumin8 Productions has established policies and procedures to ensure compliance with the blue card system as required by Queensland legislation. This includes maintaining accurate records of blue card checks for all personnel involved in video production projects.

8. Communication and Support Strategies:

To maintain consistency, Illumin8 Productions implements effective communication strategies to inform all stakeholders about child safety policies and procedures. Additionally, strategies are in place to provide support to staff, volunteers, and participants involved in video production projects, fostering an environment of open communication and continual improvement.

By adhering to these eight mandatory requirements, Illumin8 Productions aims to create a secure and supportive environment for children and young people participating in video production projects in Queensland, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to their safety and well-being.



Code of Conduct


Illumin8 Productions is committed to creating a safe and respectful environment for children and young people involved in video production activities. This Code of Conduct outlines the expected behaviour and standards for all individuals associated with the organisation, including freelancers, staff, and volunteers.

2. Scope:

This policy applies to anyone directly or indirectly involved in video production projects facilitated by Illumin8 Productions, including but not limited to freelancers, contractors, volunteers, and clients.

3. Key Principles:

All individuals associated with Illumin8 Productions are expected to:

3.1. Prioritise Child Safety:
Place the safety and well-being of children and young people above all else.

3.2. Respect and Dignity:
Treat all children and young people with respect, dignity, and sensitivity to their cultural backgrounds.

3.3. Appropriate Conduct:
Engage in professional and appropriate behaviour at all times, avoiding actions that may cause harm or discomfort to children.

3.4. Inclusive Environment:
Promote inclusivity, ensuring that all children and young people are treated fairly and without discrimination.

3.5. Communication:
Maintain open and transparent communication with children, their parents or guardians, and other team members.

3.6. Boundaries:
Respect and maintain appropriate personal and professional boundaries with children, avoiding any behaviour that may be misconstrued.

 4. Procedures:

4.1. Orientation:
All individuals associated with Illumin8 Productions will receive a thorough orientation that includes an explanation of the Code of Conduct. This will be provided whenever we engage freelancers, contractors or volunteers on productions that include working with children and young people.

4.3. Training:
Training sessions on child safety and the Code of Conduct will be conducted regularly to ensure all individuals are informed about any updates or changes.

4.3. Reporting Violations:
Any individual who observes or experiences a breach of the Code of Conduct is required to report the incident promptly.  Reporting channels will be clearly communicated, and protection against retaliation will be sought.

4.4. Investigation and Consequences:
All reported breaches will be thoroughly investigated, and appropriate actions will be taken, including disciplinary measures, up to and including termination of association with Illumin8 Productions.

4.5. Review and Updates:
The Code of Conduct will be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. Any necessary updates will be communicated to all individuals associated with Illumin8 Productions.

By adhering to this Code of Conduct, Illumin8 Productions aims to create a secure and respectful environment for children and young people participating in video production activities. All individuals are expected to contribute to a culture that prioritises child safety and fosters a positive experience for everyone involved.

Recruitment, Selection, Training, and Management:

1.1 Job Advertisement:
When advertising positions for freelancers, contractors, or volunteers, clearly state our commitment to child safety and the requirement for adherence to our Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy.

1.2 Position Description:
Ensure that all position descriptions clearly outline the responsibilities related to child safety and the necessary qualifications or experience required.

1.3 Screening Questions:
Include specific screening questions in the application process to assess an individual’s commitment to child safety and previous experience working with children.

2. Selection:

2.1 Interview Process:
Conduct thorough interviews for all potential freelancers, contractors, or volunteers, including questions related to child safety. Assess their understanding of and commitment to our Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy.

2.2 Reference Checks:
Conduct reference checks with a focus on the candidate’s previous experience working with children and their ability to adhere to child safety policies.

2.3 Background Checks:
Require all personnel to undergo background checks, including criminal history checks, in compliance with Queensland legislation.

3. Training:

3.1 Orientation:
Provide a comprehensive orientation to all new personnel, highlighting our commitment to child safety and the specifics of our Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy.

3.2 Child Safety Training:
Mandate child safety training for all personnel, ensuring they understand the signs of abuse, reporting procedures, and their role in creating a safe environment.

3.3 Regular Updates:
Offer regular updates and refresher courses on child safety policies and procedures to ensure all personnel stay informed and engaged.

4. Management:
4.1 Supervision and Accountability:
Implement a clear supervision structure to oversee the work of freelancers, contractors, and volunteers involved in video production projects. Hold individuals accountable for adherence to child safety policies.

4.2 Performance Reviews:
Incorporate assessments of child safety practices into regular performance reviews.  Recognise and address any areas needing improvement.

4.3 Reporting Channels:
Establish clear reporting channels for concerns related to child safety and ensure that all personnel are aware of the procedures for reporting.

4.4 Termination:
Outline consequences, including termination, for any personnel found to be in breach of our Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy.

By following these recruitment, selection, training, and management procedures, Illumin8 Productions aims to ensure that all personnel involved in video production projects are committed to creating a safe environment for children and young people.

Handling Disclosures


Illumin8 Productions is committed to maintaining the safety and well-being of children and young people involved in video production activities. This policy outlines the procedures for handling disclosures or suspicions of harm, ensuring a swift and appropriate response to concerns related to child safety.

2. Scope:
This policy applies to all individuals associated with Illumin8 Productions, including but not limited to freelancers, contractors, volunteers, and clients.  It covers any situations where there are concerns or suspicions regarding the safety and well-being of a child.

3. Definitions:

3.1. Disclosure:
An explicit statement or revelation by a child regarding any form of harm or potential harm they have experienced.

3.2. Harm:
Any form of abuse, neglect, or exploitation that may cause significant emotional, psychological, or physical distress to a child.

4. Procedures:

4.1. Creating a Safe Environment:
Illumin8 Productions is committed to creating an environment where children feel safe to disclose concerns.  Open communication, trust-building, and an atmosphere of support are emphasised.

4.2. Recognising and Responding:

4.2.1. Training:
All individuals associated with Illumin8 Productions will undergo training on recognising signs of abuse, understanding different forms of harm, and responding appropriately.

4.2.2. Duty to Report:
Any person who becomes aware of, suspects, or receives a disclosure of harm towards a child is obligated to report it immediately, in line with Queensland law.

4.2.3. Immediate Action:
If a child is in immediate danger, emergency services should be contacted without delay. The safety of the child is the top priority.

4.3. Reporting Procedure:

4.3.1. Internal Reporting:
All disclosures or suspicions of harm must be reported internally to a designated Child Safety Officer (CSO) within Illumin8 Productions.

4.3.2. Documentation:
The CSO will document all relevant details of the disclosure, including the date, time, individuals involved, and the nature of the disclosure. This documentation will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

4.3.3. Reporting to Authorities:
If the disclosure involves criminal behaviour or potential harm, the CSO will promptly report the matter to the relevant child protection authorities and, if necessary, the police.

4.3.4. Support for the Child:
Illumin8 Productions will ensure that appropriate support is offered to the child involved, and, if required, their family.  This may involve connecting them with counselling services or other relevant support networks.

4.3.5. Support for the Reporter:
Those reporting disclosures will be provided with support, protection from retaliation, and reassurance regarding confidentiality within legal constraints.

4.4. Investigations:

4.4.1. Internal Investigation:
Illumin8 Productions will conduct a thorough internal investigation following the reporting of a disclosure, involving all relevant parties while maintaining confidentiality.

4.4.2. External Cooperation:
Illumin8 Productions will cooperate fully with external authorities during their investigations, providing any necessary information and support.

4.4.3. Confidentiality:
Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the investigation process to the extent allowed by law, while still ensuring the safety and well-being of the child.

4.5. Communication:

4.5.1. Internal Communication:
Internal communication about the disclosure will be limited to those directly involved in the investigation, maintaining the privacy of the individuals concerned.

4.5.2. External Communication:
Communication with external authorities will be managed by the designated CSO, ensuring compliance with reporting obligations while protecting the privacy of those involved.

4.6. Review and Improvement:
This policy and its procedures will be reviewed periodically to ensure their effectiveness and relevance. Any necessary updates will be communicated to all individuals associated with Illumin8 Productions.

By implementing these policies and procedures, Illumin8 Productions aims to provide a framework for responding promptly and appropriately to disclosures or suspicions of harm, prioritising the safety and well-being of children involved in video production activities.

Plan for Managing Breaches


Illumin8 Productions is committed to maintaining the highest standards of child and youth safety. This plan outlines the procedures for managing breaches to our Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy.  A breach is considered any violation or failure to adhere to the established policies and procedures designed to protect the safety and well-being of children involved in video production activities.

2.  Reporting Breaches:

2.1. Internal Reporting:
Any individual who becomes aware of or suspects a breach to the Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy is required to report it immediately to the designated Child Safety Officer (CSO).

2.2. Confidentiality:
All reports of breaches will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.  Reporting individuals will be assured protection from retaliation, and their concerns will be handled discreetly.

3. Initial Assessment:

3.1. Designated CSO:
Upon receiving a report, the CSO will conduct an initial assessment to determine the severity and nature of the alleged breach.

3.2. Documentation:
All relevant details of the reported breach, including the date, time, individuals involved, and nature of the breach, will be documented for reference during the investigation.

4. Investigation:

4.1. Independent Investigator:
Whenever possible, an independent investigator, not directly involved in the reported breach, will be appointed to ensure objectivity.

4.2. Thorough Inquiry:
The investigation will be conducted promptly and thoroughly, involving interviews with relevant parties and a review of any available documentation.

4.3. Confidentiality During Investigation:
Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the investigation process, ensuring the privacy of individuals involved.

5. Outcome Determination:

5.1. Findings:
Upon completion of the investigation, a report detailing the findings, including any substantiated breaches and recommendations, will be compiled.

5.2. Notification:
The CSO will notify appropriate individuals, including senior management and relevant authorities, of the investigation outcome and any necessary actions to be taken.

6. Addressing and Mitigating Breaches:

6.1. Corrective Action:
Appropriate corrective actions will be implemented immediately to address the identified breaches. This may include additional training, supervision, or changes to existing policies.

6.2. Support for Individuals Involved:
If the breach involves individuals within Illumin8 Productions, appropriate support and guidance will be offered to help them understand and rectify their actions.

6.3. Review of Policies:
The policies and procedures implicated in the breach will be reviewed to identify areas for improvement, and necessary revisions will be made to prevent reoccurrence.

7. Communication:
7.1. Internal Communication:
Internal communication about the breach and its resolution will be limited to those directly involved in the investigation and corrective actions.

7.2. External Communication:
If required by law or ethical considerations, external authorities or stakeholders will be appropriately informed about the breach and the steps taken to address it.

8. Documentation and Records:
8.1. Documentation of Actions Taken:
All actions taken in response to the breach, including corrective measures and policy revisions, will be documented for future reference.

8.2. Confidentiality of Records:
Records related to breaches and their resolution will be stored securely, with access limited to authorised personnel.

9. Continuous Improvement:

This plan will be periodically reviewed and updated to ensure its effectiveness in managing breaches. Feedback from investigations will be used to enhance the overall risk management strategy.

By following this plan, Illumin8 Productions aims to maintain transparency and accountability in managing breaches to its Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy, ultimately fostering a safer environment for children and young people involved in video production activities.

Risk Management Plan for High-Risk Activities


Illumin8 Productions recognises the importance of developing specific risk management plans for high-risk activities associated with video production projects.  This plan outlines the procedures to identify potential hazards and implement preventive measures, with the primary goal of minimising risks to the safety and well-being of children and young people.

2. Identification of High-Risk Activities:
2.1. Definition of High-Risk Activities:
Define what constitutes high-risk activities within the context of video production projects. This may include activities involving special effects, stunts, on-location shoots, or any situations where there is an elevated level of potential danger.

2.2. Risk Assessment:
Conduct a thorough risk assessment for each high-risk activity, considering factors such as location, equipment, participant capabilities, and potential environmental hazards.

3. Prevention and Mitigation Measures:
3.1. Pre-Activity Planning:
Develop a detailed plan for each high-risk activity, outlining specific roles, responsibilities, and a timeline for execution.  This plan should include emergency response procedures.

3.2. Personnel Training:
Ensure that all personnel involved in high-risk activities, including freelancers, contractors and volunteers, receive specialised training relevant to the specific risks associated with each activity.

3.3. Use of Protective Equipment:
Mandate the use of appropriate protective equipment for both adults and children involved in high-risk activities.

3.4. Participant Screening:
Ensure that children and young people participating in high-risk activities meet specific criteria, including age appropriateness and physical capability.

3.5. Emergency Response Plan:
Develop a comprehensive emergency response plan specific to each high-risk activity. This plan should include procedures for immediate medical assistance, evacuation, and communication.

4. Supervision and Monitoring:
4.1. Adequate Supervision:
Ensure there is a sufficient number of trained and responsible adults supervising high-risk activities, taking into account the age and number of children involved.

4.2. Real-Time Monitoring:
Implement a system for real-time monitoring of high-risk activities to identify and address any potential issues promptly.

5. Communication:
5.1. Clear Communication Channels:
Establish clear lines of communication between all individuals involved in high-risk activities, emphasising the importance of reporting any concerns immediately.

5.2. Parental/Guardian Communication:
Communicate with parents or guardians about the nature of the high-risk activities, ensuring they are informed and have given consent for their child’s participation.

6. Post-Activity Evaluation:
6.1. Debriefing:
Conduct a thorough debriefing session after each high-risk activity to evaluate its success, identify any unforeseen risks or issues, and gather feedback from participants and staff.

6.2. Documentation:
Document the outcomes of the post-activity evaluation and use this information to update and improve risk management plans for future high-risk activities.

7. Continuous Improvement:

Regularly review and update risk management plans for high-risk activities based on ongoing evaluations, changes in technology, and industry best practices.

By following this Risk Management Plan, Illumin8 Productions aims to ensure the safety of children and young people participating in high-risk activities associated with video production projects. This proactive approach will minimise risks and contribute to a secure and enjoyable experience for all involved.


9. Continuous Improvement:

This plan will be periodically reviewed and updated to ensure its effectiveness in managing breaches. Feedback from investigations will be used to enhance the overall risk management strategy.

By following this plan, Illumin8 Productions aims to maintain transparency and accountability in managing breaches to its Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy, ultimately fostering a safer environment for children and young people involved in video production activities.

Risk Management Plan for High-Risk Activities


Illumin8 Productions recognises the importance of developing specific risk management plans for high-risk activities associated with video production projects. This plan outlines the procedures to identify potential hazards and implement preventive measures, with the primary goal of minimising risks to the safety and well-being of children and young people.

2. Identification of High-Risk Activities:
2.1. Definition of High-Risk Activities:
Define what constitutes high-risk activities within the context of video production projects. This may include activities involving special effects, stunts, on-location shoots, or any situations where there is an elevated level of potential danger.

2.2. Risk Assessment:
Conduct a thorough risk assessment for each high-risk activity, considering factors such as location, equipment, participant capabilities, and potential environmental hazards.

3. Prevention and Mitigation Measures:
3.1. Pre-Activity Planning:
Develop a detailed plan for each high-risk activity, outlining specific roles, responsibilities, and a timeline for execution. This plan should include emergency response procedures.

3.2. Personnel Training:
Ensure that all personnel involved in high-risk activities, including freelancers, contractors and volunteers, receive specialised training relevant to the specific risks associated with each activity.

3.3. Use of Protective Equipment:
Mandate the use of appropriate protective equipment for both adults and children involved in high-risk activities.

3.4. Participant Screening:
Ensure that children and young people participating in high-risk activities meet specific criteria, including age appropriateness and physical capability.

3.5. Emergency Response Plan:
Develop a comprehensive emergency response plan specific to each high-risk activity. This plan should include procedures for immediate medical assistance, evacuation, and communication.

4. Supervision and Monitoring:
4.1. Adequate Supervision:
Ensure there is a sufficient number of trained and responsible adults supervising high-risk activities, taking into account the age and number of children involved.

4.2. Real-Time Monitoring:
Implement a system for real-time monitoring of high-risk activities to identify and address any potential issues promptly.

5. Communication:
5.1. Clear Communication Channels:
Establish clear lines of communication between all individuals involved in high-risk activities, emphasising the importance of reporting any concerns immediately.

5.2. Parental/Guardian Communication:
Communicate with parents or guardians about the nature of the high-risk activities, ensuring they are informed and have given consent for their child’s participation.

6. Post-Activity Evaluation:
6.1. Debriefing:
Conduct a thorough debriefing session after each high-risk activity to evaluate its success, identify any unforeseen risks or issues, and gather feedback from participants and staff.

6.2. Documentation:
Document the outcomes of the post-activity evaluation and use this information to update and improve risk management plans for future high-risk activities.

7. Continuous Improvement:

Regularly review and update risk management plans for high-risk activities based on ongoing evaluations, changes in technology, and industry best practices.

By following this Risk Management Plan, Illumin8 Productions aims to ensure the safety of children and young people participating in high-risk activities associated with video production projects. This proactive approach will minimise risks and contribute to a secure and enjoyable experience for all involved.